About National Pink Day: Happiness, Kindness and Weakness
I just learned that today is national pink day.
I did a little research and found that it is unknown where or how this event originated. If any of you know more about this, let me know! I would be happy to get the story straight.
Aerosmith said on its song “Pink” that it was love at first sight… I think many of us agree.
The psychology of color says that this hue evoques positive thoughts like happiness, sweetness, health, femininity and compassion. After all, pink cheeks and lips are a sign of health and well being. Human beings have been longing for eternal health and beauty since we know, it is no wonder why make-up industry is almost a synonym of pink and why we make-up artists simply love it.
On the negative side, it signals weakness and immaturity.
I also can relate to that learned perception, but thinking a bit about it… I wanted to check the logic in it. It was a long time ago since high school, where I learned logic and philosophy… but if I’m not mistaken, affirming that pink is related to happiness and also to immaturity would be affirming that happiness is meant only for kids? Is this what it would mean, theoretically? Anybody knows?
I think we don’t need to go too far to admit that perceiving something as beautiful raises our endorphins. And we need those along ALL our life!
From my view, if within limits, beauty is not something exclusively shallow. It is actually more important than we want to believe. Beauty (in its many forms) gives us joy, cheers up and provides confidence to live. Don’t we actually need to be happy to be able to do things that we like a bit less? Is happiness actually perceived as a weakness? If more people would feel satisfied with the way they live their lives, wouldn’t things run easier for everyone involved? Don’t we feel great when someone is kind with us? And the triple, if we are the ones doing an act of kindness?
There is no make up product that can make an eye shine more than feeling good with yourself… I would say.
There is a huge movement to teach on people how to be happier, it is another industry growing since almost 30 years (or more?). Shawn Anchor, author of “The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance” says that in order to be happier, your routine shall involve the following activities: meditation, exercise, random acts of kindness, 3 gratitudes and journaling.
Also Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says that the four daily activities that make people happiest are for free: having sex, exercise, listening to music and talking.
Dwayne Johnson “The Rock” also made his own experiences in turn of this matter (Video “Bring Everybody with you at the MTV Generation Award 2019”).
So here is my act of kindness of the day. If you did not know these tips, now you do!
Feeling pretty and happy, more than a luxury, is a basic need.
I can gladly help you get your looks ready, the rest is on you.
Happy National Pink Day!
#pink #kindness #happiness #feelinggood #endorphins #beyourself #bringeverybodywithyou #beengoodtopeoplematters #trueinfluence #makeupbyraizah